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Hippie Yoga
Dec 22, 2023
Day 22 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
One of the things love about bridge pose is that it can be active, where you are working your legs and glutes, but also passive, with the...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 21, 2023
Day 21 of 25 Dayso f Yoga Joy
Once I learned to adjust my foot placement in Warrior I fell in love with this pose. In this pose I feel strong and stable. The...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 20, 2023
Day 20 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
Sun Salutation are awaking and that is why I love them. When I am feeling sluggish and stiff, I will stand up and so some variation of a...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 19, 2023
Big Goals
Journey to the Century Club: How I Stayed Motivated to Attend 100 Yoga Classes Hey fellow yoga enthusiasts! Guess what? I've officially...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 19, 2023
Day 19 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
This is another pose that can be challenging but is what also makes it so much fun. There are plenty of times I stubble, wobble and fall...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 18, 2023
Day 18 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
Locust pose is an amazing way to strengthen your back muscles. If you have back pain or discomfort, ease into this pose, start slowly...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 17, 2023
Day 17 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
This aspect of yoga has made the biggest difference in my life. I feel more ground, focused and calmer after meditation. Not always...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 16, 2023
Day 16 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
This is a great full spinal twist. I feel like I can get into all the nooks and crannies of my spine in this twist. From my neck all...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 15, 2023
Day 15 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
Ahhh, Heart openers! These are like heaven if you sit for long periods of time, hunch over a deck, phone or counter or feel upper back...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 14, 2023
Day 14 of 25 Days of Yoga Joy
I’m not going to lie, I used to HATE this pose. It was challenging and my shoulder and chest were super tight. Over time I have learned...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 13, 2023
I can not say enough good things about cat/cow movement. This movement helps send hydration, nutrients and lubrication to the spine and...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 13, 2023
Collective Joy
While the physical benefits of yoga poses are undeniable, it's about embracing the whole experience of a yoga class rather than fixating...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 12, 2023
Sky Archer
I feel that yoga has help me look and feel taller. It may sound silly, but I feel taller after taking a yoga class. Sky Acher is all...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 11, 2023
Core Strengthening
Working on strengthen my core has made a huge difference in yoga practice but also all other ways I move my body. It is best to start...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 10, 2023
Crocodile Pose
Crocodile pose is what I call an “iceberg pose.” On the surface it looks so simple, like you are not doing anything. However, there are...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 9, 2023
Wide Leg Forward Fold
I love a standing forward fold. My legs feel strong and stretchy, my back feels longs and open, and it is fun to be upside down 😊

Hippie Yoga
Dec 8, 2023
Legs up the Wall
This one is an all-time favorite. Not only are there so many benefits of this pose but mostly it just feels good. It is my go to pose...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 7, 2023
Triangle is an active and powerful pose. You have to engage most of your body in Triangle and I love it. A lot of people think yoga is...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 6, 2023
Warrior II
Warrior II is a staple in yoga classes and a powerful pose. You build leg and glute strength allowing you to feel stable and secure in...

Hippie Yoga
Dec 5, 2023
Dancer Pose
You knew I would include a balancing pose. Balance is fun! I love all balancing poses but choose Dancer as it is challenging and opens...
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